Plasma is designed as the next generation of Game Engines. From the ground up it has been built around flexibility and modularity without compromise. Whether you’re an indie developer or part of a large team, Plasma empowers you to bring your most ambitious projects to life with ease using our collection of both artist and programmer friendly workflows allowing everyone to make there dreams a reality.


High Performance Rendering.

Plasma uses Vulkan as its main rendering API along with taking advantage of effects like Occlusion Culling, Instanced Rendering and Shadow Pools

Modular By Design.

The entire engine is built around an extensive plugin system that allows major engines systems to be optional and new systems to be easily added. This mean that a project that doesn’t require a feature like physics can disable it.

Graph Tools.

Graph tools are becoming a standard in the industy. Thats why we provide visual tools for Animation, Materials, Script and Render Pipelines. In addition to the traditional graph tools, we also provide a visual state machine tool.


Currently Plasma supports Windows and Linux as editing platforms. The core systems compile and run on Mac and Android with rendering coming in the near future.

Powerful Physics.

We take advantage of Jolt Physics to provide a high performance and modern physics engine. This includes the addition of ropes, cloth and wind within the scenes. Alternative middleware can be provided like PhysX is desired.


The engine is designed to be as flexible as possible for developers allowing for rapid development in a way that work best for your team. We provide multiple scripting options such as C++ plugins with hot reload, TypeScript and Visual script. Other systems benefit from the same flexibility in workflows.

Let’s work together.

Like what you have seen and want to know more? Reach out to us and lets start talking. We are actively looking for developers to make use of the engine prior to release. This is to ensure a stable and production proven product for everyone.