Plasma Game Engine

Built from the ground up to be lightweight, modular and flexible without compromise. We aim to empower developers of all sizes from 1 person indie teams to huge AAA studios. Let Plasma bring your ambitions to life using our artist and programmer friendly workflows alongside our easy to follow and learn documentation.


  • Performance is a crucial aspect of any game engine. We leverage many technologies and features to achieve the best performance possible. First of all we have adopted Vulkan as our main rendering API. This provides us access to many modern optimization techniques such as multi-threaded rendering. We also make use of Occlusion Culling to avoid the rendering of any objects that are not actively visible to the camera. Additionally we use shadow and reflection pools in order to lower the overall rendering cost.

  • The entire engine is built around an extensive plugin system that allows major engines systems to be optional and new systems to be easily added. This mean that a project that doesn’t require a feature like physics can disable it.

  • Graph tools are becoming a standard in the industry. That’s why we provide visual tools for Animation, Materials, Script and Render Pipelines. In addition to the traditional graph tools, we also provide a visual state machine tool.

  • We currently support rendering on Window, Linux and Android with additional core level support for Mac and Web. This allows the engine to quickly be ported and fully setup for new platforms

  • We take advantage of Jolt Physics to provide a high performance and modern physics engine. This includes the addition of ropes, cloth and wind within the scenes. Alternative middleware can be provided like PhysX is desired.

  • The engine is designed to be as flexible as possible for developers allowing for rapid development in a way that work best for your team. We provide multiple scripting options such as C++ plugins with hot reload, TypeScript and Visual script. Other systems benefit from the same flexibility in workflows.

Get Early Access

We are actively searching for development partners to help test and showcase the engine in the best light. If you like what you have seen feel free to fill out the form below and make contact. We want to see your games succeed